#39. Pearl Harbor: An Eyewitness Remembers

#39. Pearl Harbor: An Eyewitness Remembers

magine you’re a ten-year-old living in Honolulu, Hawaii, just a few blocks from Waikiki. Now imagine you wake up on a beautiful December morning to the sounds of planes overhead and explosions not so very far away.
#32. An Unbroken Bond

#32. An Unbroken Bond

Daily life at O’Donnell was marked by disease, malnutrition, and uncertainty and became yet another of Japan’s WW2 atrocities. But 2 POWs formed an unbreakable group -- which was, perhaps, the only reason they survived.
#31. WW2’s Forgotten Atrocity

#31. WW2’s Forgotten Atrocity

On April 12, 1942, Japanese forces dishonored themselves – by massacring more than 350 unarmed, bound Filipino officers and non-coms, who had surrendered the day before. It became known as the Pantingan River Massacre.
#29. Bound by Blood, Forged by War

#29. Bound by Blood, Forged by War

Two brothers served together on Bataan and endured the Bataan Death march, on to be separated in horrendous work camp. But they both did the impossible -- they returned home. This is their survivor story.
#28. The Hunt for Freedom

#28. The Hunt for Freedom

Ray Hunt was forced onto the Battan Death March. But he wasn’t going to let his enemies determine his fate. At great risk to himself, he escaped the march and joined the island's largest Guerilla organization.