#40. Escape into Enemy Hands

#40. Escape into Enemy Hands

Flown out of Corregidor Island in a daring, last-minute escape in April 1942, Army nurse Rosemary Hogan found herself heading for the safety of Australia. Until...she wasn't.
#39. Pearl Harbor: An Eyewitness Remembers

#39. Pearl Harbor: An Eyewitness Remembers

magine you’re a ten-year-old living in Honolulu, Hawaii, just a few blocks from Waikiki. Now imagine you wake up on a beautiful December morning to the sounds of planes overhead and explosions not so very far away.

#37. The Stories We Choose to Share

A behind the scenes look at the process I use to identify POWs to highlight in “Left Behind,” and once chosen, how I find their amazing stories. Listen and subscribe…
#32. An Unbroken Bond

#32. An Unbroken Bond

Daily life at O’Donnell was marked by disease, malnutrition, and uncertainty and became yet another of Japan’s WW2 atrocities. But 2 POWs formed an unbreakable group -- which was, perhaps, the only reason they survived.
#31. WW2’s Forgotten Atrocity

#31. WW2’s Forgotten Atrocity

On April 12, 1942, Japanese forces dishonored themselves – by massacring more than 350 unarmed, bound Filipino officers and non-coms, who had surrendered the day before. It became known as the Pantingan River Massacre.