#15. Bataan, Hollywood, & Europe: The Unique WW2 Journey of Nurse Eunice Hatchitt

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Army nurse Lt. Eunice Hatchitt started WW2 caring for wounded men in a primitive battlefield hospital on Bataan. Escaping The Philippines at the last moment, she returned home a national hero.

But WW2 wasn’t over for her.

In 1944, she found herself following Gen. Patton’s army onto European battlefields.

Oh, and she also made a small detour to Hollywood in between assignments. And….she’s the heroine of her very own global war-time romance.

Nurse Hatchitt’s WW2 story is like none other.

Lt. Eunice “Hatch” Hatchitt in her Army uniform.
Major Charles Tyler in uniform.
Filipino soldiers in a bus converted for hospital use.
Entrance to Bataan’s Field Hospital #1. Notice open-air buildings in the background that were used for wards. Most likely this is Hospital #1’s second location at the base of Mt Bataan
Filipino casualties just arrived at the receiving ward in Field Hospital #1.
Covered hospital ward at Field Hospital #1 before the triple-decker beds were added. Note that the ward has a roof but no outer walls.
Ward at Bataan’s Field Hospital #1
Gangrene ward. Notice the hammocks being used as beds for the patients.
Consolidated PBY Cataline airplane, ca 1943. Similar to the planes used to evacuate Lt. Eunice Hatchitt and 21 other nurses from Corregidor in April 1942.
Historic Audio Source


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